森工芸(MORI KOUGEI)求人応募フォーム https://forms.gle/UhR1rJpmVrS9R6Y89 この度、新たに次世代を担う仲間を1名募集することになりました! 現在は少人数で対応できる範囲の受注と製作を行っていますが、新しい仲間を迎えることで、より多様な取り組みやチャ...
Read more"Rays Tray" is available in three different sizes, round and rectangular, and six different colors, including indigo-dyed.。
Wouldn't you like to add color to your daily life with this tool for carrying things?
like ripples spreading when a drop falls on the surface of a pond...
a beautiful pattern appears
Indigo-dyed trays are dyed using a natural and traditional way of dyeing called “Hakko-date,” which uses only natural materials and does not use any chemicals.
By indigo-dyeing the white sycamore trays, which have a characteristic luster pattern (shrinkage), the beautiful pattern, like ripples that spread when a drop falls on the water surface, is further enhanced.
The identically shaped hexagonal wood veneer are combined with the wood grain in different directions.Although all the pieces are made of the same color and wood type, the geometrical arrangement of each piece makes the color of the wood appear different depending on the viewpoint and angle of the viewer, giving it a shimmering impression.This is why we named it "hoek" (meaning "viewpoint" or "angle" in Dutch).
A Japan-blue indigo color with a unique atmosphere.It is dyed with indigo dye from indigo plants grown in Tokushima Prefecture.The wood's tendency to "change color depending on the angle of light" creates a unique atmosphere, and this is enhanced when the wood is dyed with indigo./collections/stand
多様な内装に仕えるカスタムメイドのツキ板タイル TSUKI-ITA TILES
森工芸(MORI KOUGEI)求人応募フォーム https://forms.gle/UhR1rJpmVrS9R6Y89 この度、新たに次世代を担う仲間を1名募集することになりました! 現在は少人数で対応できる範囲の受注と製作を行っていますが、新しい仲間を迎えることで、より多様な取り組みやチャ...
Read more[工場見学]MORI KOUGEI Open Factory _KITE MITE MII TOKUSHIMA 2024 徳島で生まれ育まれたものつくりの現場を開放するイベント 『来て見てみい、徳島。』 https://kitemitemii.com/ KITE MITE MII TOKUS...
Monday - Friday, 8 :00- 17:00
URL : https://mori-kougei.com/
MAIL : info@mori-kougei.com